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Please choose between UNC, BRILLIANT UNCIRCULATED & PROOF quality inside
Please choose between UNC, BRILLIANT UNCIRCULATED & PROOF quality inside
Commemorative issue celebrating 100 years of Italian Air Force
Pan-European issue in honor of 35th anniversary of Erasmus program
Assassinated judges symbolizing struggle against Cosa Nostra
Responsible for investigations & law enforcement, security of motorways, railways & waterways
Celebrates Firefighters, Public Rescue and Civilian Protection
Celebrates skilled educator and one of Italy's first doctors
Honors 500th anniversary of death of original renaissance man
400th anniversary of completion of St. Mark's Basilica in Venice
Commemorates anniversary of death of famous Roman playwright
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Honors largest international event ever dedicated to food and nutrition
Honoring the anniversary of famous astronomer, philosopher & physicist
Commemorating centenary of death of poet and classical scholar
Issue honoring anniversary of the euro as physical coins & notes
150 years since unification & creation of Kingdom of Italy in 1861
Honoring anniversary for leading figure in Italian unification
Honoring anniversary for inventor of the Braille system for the blind
50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome
Honors attempt at European Constitution - delivered in Capsule
Honoring UN branch as world's largest humanitarian agency